foods to avoid after teeth whitening

Did you recently get your teeth whitened? Great job! However, before you raise a glass of red wine in celebration, there’s a small challenge. You can damage yourself by some foods and drinks, reversing the effect. So, you must know which foods to avoid after teeth whitening to keep your smile looking its best.

You need to avoid dark or intensely colored drinks that are dark or have intense colors. Plus, avoid acidic and staining foods, as well as hard and crunchy foods. In addition, foods that are either too hot or too cold can also affect the results of your teeth whitening.

It’s not the end! We’ll share a detailed list of “forbidden foods” after teeth whitening, along with foods and drinks you can take. With that we’ll also share do’s and dont’s to maintain your dazzling smile. So, let’s get started.

Key Takeaways

  • After brightening your teeth, you should stay away from dark beverages such as coffee, tea, and red wine. Acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes can also cause stains and damage your tooth enamel.
  • To maintain the brightness of your teeth, opt for light-colored foods. Scrambled eggs, white cheese, and white meats like chicken and turkey are good choices.
  • Make sure to brush and floss your teeth regularly. After a week, you can start using a gentle whitening toothpaste. Also, when drinking beverages that can stain your teeth, use a straw to minimize contact.
  • To preserve the results of your teeth whitening and to reduce sensitivity, steer clear of tobacco, colored lip products, and extremely hot or cold drinks.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a beauty treatment that brightens your teeth. Interestingly, the American Association of Orthodontists noted that almost 90% of patients asked for tooth whitening. It shows how popular this procedure is!

What is Teeth Whitening?

Although it can’t turn your teeth completely white, it does a great job of lightening their current shade without harming them.

Now, there are several ways to whiten your teeth. You can choose from professional treatments at the dentist’s office, products you can buy and use at home, or even natural remedies.

Now some common methods include —

  • Using UV light.
  • Removing stains by sanding.

However, before you decide to whiten your teeth, it’s crucial to understand the possible side effects. You might experience sensitive teeth or irritated gums. So, always consider these factors when exploring teeth whitening options.

What Foods to Avoid After Teeth Whitening?

Once you’ve had your teeth whitened, you need to watch what you eat to keep your smile bright. Some foods and drinks can stain your teeth, making them look yellow.

The following foods are the major ones —

what foods to avoid after teeth whitening

1. Dark or Intensely Colored Drinks

First on the list of what not to eat after teeth whitening are dark or intensely colored drinks. Coffee, tomato juice, red wine, tea, and cola are leading examples. These beverages have pigments that stain teeth, reducing the impact of the whitening.

Instead, you should drink milk, water, or white wine to keep your teeth hydrated and free from stains.

2. Acidic Foods

After teeth whitening, don’t consume acidic foods. Foods like citrus fruits, vinegar, tomatoes, and pickles are acidic. It can cause erosion of your tooth enamel, which makes your teeth more prone to decay.

In fact, eating acidic foods regularly is associated with a higher risk of tooth erosion. That said, you should choose alternatives like white cheese, white fish, low-acid fruits, and other non-acidic foods to safeguard your smile.

what not to eat after teeth whitening

3. Staining Foods

Once you’ve brightened your teeth, some foods, such as berries and beets, can dim your radiant smile. It’s best to stay off of these foods for a couple of days following your treatment.

On the other hand, you have a variety of other delicious options. White meats like chicken, turkey, potatoes, and other tasty vegetables are great choices that won’t leave stains on your teeth.

4. Hard and Crunchy Foods

Foods that are hard, like chips, bones, and nuts, can damage your tooth enamel. They can also cause cracks and chips to your recently whitened teeth. For a few days after whitening, it’s best to stick to soft foods you can chew easily.

5. Hot and Cold Foods

You should also avoid cold or hot foods after whitening your teeth. Foods like hot soup, and ice cream can make your teeth sensitive and uncomfortable. Instead, choose lukewarm foods like pasta, rice, and cooked vegetables.

These foods are good for your digestion and won’t cause discomfort to your teeth.

6. Soy Sauce

Soy sauce, often used in Asian cuisine, can harm your teeth after whitening. It has chromogens, pigments that stick to your teeth and cause stains. Plus, its high salt content can dry your mouth and promote bacteria growth, leading to bad breath and tooth decay.

To lessen its effects, use soy sauce in moderation, dilute it with water, or pick low-sodium options. By limiting foods like soy sauce that stain heavily, you can keep your new white teeth bright.

7. Fizzy Soft Drinks

Despite ongoing debates about whether fizzy drinks help in weight loss, you shouldn’t drink them after teeth whitening. They have high sugar content, color additives, and acidity, all of which can wear down tooth enamel and cause dark stains.

You should avoid carbonated drinks for at least two days after whitening to maintain your teeth’s new brightness.

8. Tobacco

Using tobacco can stain your teeth and seriously harm your oral health. A study by Sadri and others showed that if you smoke, you’re about 4.65 times more likely to get oral cancer. That’s why people often talk about “smokers’ teeth”.

things to avoid after teeth whitening

If you want to keep your teeth bright after whitening, try to stay away from smoking. You might want to think about using nicotine patches or other tools to help control your cravings and keep your oral health safe.

Drinks to Avoid After Teeth Whitening

After whitening your teeth, a good rule of thumb is to avoid any drink that could stain a white shirt. It means you should stay away from —

  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Cola
  • Red wine
  • Brightly colored juices

If you can’t start your day without coffee or tea, consider using a straw. It can help reduce the drink’s contact with your teeth and keep them white.

Foods you Can Eat after Teeth Whitening

After whitening your teeth, you need to pick foods that won’t ruin your new bright smile. The key is to go for foods that are light in color. Here are some food ideas for you.

For Breakfast

For breakfast —

  • You can have scrambled eggs. The light-colored yolk is gentle on your teeth.
  • You can also enjoy a bagel with cream cheese or butter, but avoid jams and jellies.
  • Cereals without sugar, along with any type of milk, are good choices.
  • Plain or vanilla yogurts are also safe.
  • For a refreshing drink, try a banana smoothie.

For Lunch

When it comes to lunch, you have plenty of options.

  • You can have simple sandwiches, but avoid jams, jellies, mustard, and any bright condiments.
  • If you like cheese, go for the white ones.
  • Pasta and pizza are fine, but choose creamy white sauces over marinara or other red sauces.

For Dinner

When you’re deciding what to have for dinner after whitening your teeth, choose light-coloured meals to keep your smile looking bright.

  • Choose white fish or poultry as your main dish, and avoid red meats.
  • You can have plain white potatoes, but don’t go for sweet potatoes or dishes like au gratin.
  • Rice and beans are fine but stay away from black beans or any dark-coloured types.
  • If you feel like having a salad, go for potato or macaroni salads instead of green salads.
  • You can enjoy leafy greens, but wait until 48 hours have passed.

Do’s and Don’ts After Teeth Whitening

After whitening your teeth, you need to take special care to keep your smile bright. You can do that by following these simple tips.

Do’s After Teeth Whitening

To keep your teeth shining, brush and floss regularly, maybe even more often than you usually do.

  • About a week after the whitening, switch to a mild whitening toothpaste to keep the colour for longer.
  • Make sure to use the home whitening kit your dentist gave you, and follow the instructions in the letter.
  • When drinking, use straws to lessen the contact between your teeth and drinks that can cause stains. Metal straws are a good choice because they’re eco-friendly and can be used for both hot and cold drinks.
  • Try to avoid smoking for at least 48 hours. Better yet, quit smoking altogether to avoid stains and boost your health.
  • After eating or drinking anything that might stain your teeth, rinse your mouth with water.

Don’ts After Teeth Whitening Treatment

To keep your smile bright after teeth whitening, there are certain things to avoid after teeth whitening. Here are some tips to help you.

  • Stay away from all tobacco products, such as cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff. They can stain your teeth and increase your risk of gum disease.
  • Don’t wear coloured gloss or lipstick for at least a week. The pigments can stain your newly whitened teeth.
  • Don’t drink hot or cold beverages for 24 hours. Instead, go for water or drinks at room temperature.
  • For several weeks, avoid dark-coloured foods like berries, dark chocolate, and soy sauce. They can leave residues that stain your teeth.

Final Words

We’ve explored list of foods to avoid after teeth whitening. That said, you must avoid dark and acidic foods and drinks like coffee, tea, and citrus fruits. These can stain your teeth and erode your enamel.

Instead, you should choose light-colored, non-acidic foods such as white meats and potatoes. Plus, straws can help reduce contact with drinks that can stain your teeth, which is very important to keep up with your dental hygiene.

As you move forward, keep an eye on what you eat to keep your smile bright.


How long after whitening teeth can I eat normally?

You can eat normally 24 hours after teeth whitening, but avoid foods and drinks that can stain, like coffee, tea, red wine, and dark fruits. Refrain from acidic items like citrus fruits and soda. Continue to avoid highly pigmented and acidic foods for at least a week for lasting results.

Can I drink milk after teeth whitening?

Yes, you can drink milk after teeth whitening. It’s safe and doesn’t stain your teeth. However, avoid dark-colored beverages to maintain your whitening results.

Can I eat ice cream after teeth whitening?

No, you shouldn’t eat ice cream right after teeth whitening. Avoid cold foods and drinks for 2 to 3 days to prevent sensitivity. Once this period passes, you can enjoy ice cream and other cold treats.

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