soft food to eat after wisdom teeth removal

Just got your wisdom teeth removed? That’s tough! Remember, you can’t indulge in all your favorite foods right now, but you still need nourishment to recover. Well, that’s why you should know about soft food to eat after wisdom teeth removal.

You can eat soft food like creamy mashed potatoes, smooth applesauce, comforting yogurt, and fluffy scrambled eggs after your surgery. Opt for tepid or cool drinks and skip the straw during the initial days. As your swelling eases, you can start adding semi-soft foods such as pasta and tender veggies to your plate.

From here, you’ll find a tasty selection of soft foods that are both easy on your gums and delicious. Whether it’s velvety mashed potatoes or nutrient-rich smoothies, you’re ready for your regular diet!

Key Takeaways

  • Soft Foods for Recovery: After getting your wisdom teeth out, choose soft, nourishing foods like broths, pureed soups, mashed potatoes, Greek yogurt, and smoothies. These are easy on your mouth and packed with nutrients to help you heal.
  • Foods to Avoid: Keep clear of hard or crunchy snacks, anything too hot or spicy, tobacco, acidic eats, and alcohol. These can bother your mouth, slow down healing, and raise the chance of problems like dry socket.
  • How You’ll Progress: Start with liquids and super soft foods on the first day. By the second day, try soft foods like eggs and cottage cheese. By the third day, you can go for semi-soft things like pasta and mashed potatoes.
  • Habits to Avoid: Right after surgery, don’t smoke or use straws, and avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully. These can dissolve the blood clot that’s healing your tooth socket.

15 Best Soft Foods to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Your wisdom teeth, also called third molars, appear in the back corners of your mouth. In fact, around 5 million people in the U.S. have their wisdom teeth taken out every year. And after your wisdom teeth surgery, you need to pick foods that won’t strain your healing mouth.

So, here’s a list of gentle, nourishing options to keep you well-fed and comfortable.

best soft foods to eat after wisdom teeth removal

1. Broths

In the days after your surgery, broths are your best friend for staying fed and hydrated. Bone broth, brimming with nutrients from simmered animal bones and tissues, can be especially comforting. Whether it’s

  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Lamb
  • Pig
  • Cow
  • Fish

Its high amino acid content may offer anti-inflammatory benefits. Remember to enjoy your broth lukewarm or cold to keep from bothering the surgery area.

2. Blended Soups

For those first few days post-surgery, stick to blended soups like tomato or pumpkin. They’re smooth, easy on the swallow, and free from bits that could poke at your healing spots. Full of veggies and legumes, these soups are not just filling but also rich in vital nutrients.

Plus, they help you stay hydrated—a must after any surgery. Just ensure they’re cool or room temperature and blend well to a chunk-free consistency.

3. Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are not only soothing but also packed with the calories and nutrients you need more after surgery. For the smoothest experience, avoid lumps in your mash. You can add butter, milk, or water to get that perfect creamy texture.

And remember, serve them warm—not hot—to keep your healing mouth happy.

4. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is another excellent soft food after wisdom teeth removal. Its smoothness and creaminess are matched by its nutritional value, loaded with protein. In fact, studies indicate that foods high in protein like Greek yogurt could increase your healing process.

soft foods to eat wisdom teeth

Plus, you also get minerals like calcium and zinc that provide comfort and healing to the mouth.  While protein-rich foods can help recovery, remember that extra zinc only helps if you’re not already getting enough.

5. Mashed bananas

Bananas are naturally soft, so they’re perfect for when you need something that’s easy to chew and swallow. They’re nutrient powerhouses, too, offering you a good dose of:

  • potassium
  • vitamin B6
  • manganese
  • folate

Mashing up bananas makes them even gentler in your mouth, minimizing any eating discomfort.

6. Applesauce

Applesauce is a fantastic choice for getting your fruit fix without the crunch. It’s smooth and gentle, packed with vitamins B, C, and E, plus copper. While pureed apples might lose some nutrients from the skin, they still deliver vitamin C to help —

  • Soothe inflammation and pain
  • Strengthen your immune defense
  • Encourage fibroblast activity
  • Support in wound healing

7. Scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs are an ideal soft diet for wisdom teeth removal to ease back into chewing. They’re loaded with healthy protein and essential nutrients like —

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B12
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Selenium

These are key to improving your immune system and helping your wounds heal faster.

8. Smoothies

Smoothies are a fantastic way to enjoy a snack or meal that’s both delicious and healing. You can blend in fresh fruits and veggies to get a lot of nutrients, including —

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin K
  • Vitamin C
  • Selenium
  • Zinc

Due to this, smoothies are an excellent choice during recovery. Just remember, skip the straw for the first two weeks after surgery to avoid any suction that could disrupt healing.

Instead, enjoy your smoothie with a spoon or sip it slowly from a cup.

9. Avocado

You’ll find avocados to be a distinctive fruit. Unlike most fruits, they’re low in carbs and loaded with good fats. They’re also packed with vitamin K, vitamin C, and potassium, all of which bring you a wealth of health benefits.

Their creamy texture is perfect for eating when you’re recovering from dental surgery. Try enjoying guacamole or mashed avocados for a smooth, easy-to-eat treat.

10. Salmon

Salmon stands out as one of the healthiest fish you can choose. Once you’re up to chewing after surgery, it’s an excellent option. It’s full of protein and beneficial fats like omega-3 fatty acids.

These fats are great for cutting down inflammation and helping your wounds heal, particularly if you’re low on omega-3s.

11. Hummus

Hummus is a well-loved Middle Eastern spread loaded with healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and protein. It’s an excellent pick for post-wisdom teeth removal recovery.

You can whip up your own batch at home with —

  • Chickpeas
  • Olive oil
  • Tahini
  • Lemon
  • Garlic

Or you can grab a ready-made one from the store.

Even though crunchy chips or pita bread are off-limits for now, hummus is still scrumptious by itself.

12. Jell-O® and Pudding

You’ll find Jell-O and pudding in a variety of flavours. Just remember to skip any that have bits of fruit, cookies, or crunchy bits mixed in. They’re simple to whip up or you can buy them ready to eat, and they last a while in your pantry.

These soft treats are ideal when you’re healing, especially if you’re on your own without much help.

13. Mashed pumpkin

After getting your wisdom teeth out, mashed pumpkin is a smart pick. Its softness means it’s gentle on your mouth and won’t cause any irritation. While it might seem like a veggie, pumpkin is a fruit that’s filled with vitamins A, C, and E, plus potassium.

Make sure it’s thoroughly mashed and cooled down so it’s comfortable to eat.

14. Instant oatmeal

Oats pack a rich dose of nutrients with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. About three days after your surgery, instant oatmeal can be a cozy choice. It’s not as tough to chew as steel-cut oats, so it’s kinder to your mouth.

Always wait for it to cool off before you dig in to keep your surgical spots happy.

15. Protein or Meal-replacement Shakes

You don’t have to be a gym buff to enjoy protein shakes. After your wisdom teeth are removed, they’re a great way to get a lot of protein, essential fats, and a mix of vitamins and minerals. They’re a convenient way to have a nutritious snack or even replace a meal in just one drink.

If you’re looking for something more filling, try meal-replacement shakes like BOOST® or Ensure®. They taste great and make sticking to a soft diet more pleasant while you heal.

Foods to Avoid After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Healing right after getting your wisdom teeth out is key to dodge troubles like dry sockets or infections. Dry socket is no joke! It’s when the blood clot gets knocked loose, causing a deep ache in your jaw or gums. If you want something warm to drink, think about lukewarm chamomile tea.

Here’s a quick rundown on what to stay off of while you’re on the mend —

  • Hard and Crunchy Stuff: Keep away from things like chips, nuts, and uncooked veggies. They can poke at your surgery spot and might knock out the blood clot, which can lead to a dry socket. Plus, these are also the foods you should avoid after teeth whitening.
  • Hot Eats and Drinks: Really warm food or drinks can make blood rush to your wound, which might cause bleeding. You better go with items that are room temp or cool.
  • Spicy Stuff: Spicy foods can be rough on your surgery spot. So, you must pass on these until you’re all healed up.
  • Tobacco: Smoking or any tobacco use can drag out your healing time and up your risk of problems. Cut them out for a smoother recovery.
  • Acidic Foods and Sips: Things like citrus fruits and their juices can bug your surgery spot and slow down healing. They’re especially stingy on fresh wounds. A 2020 study says fruit juices might slow down healing.

soft food after wisdom teeth

  • Straws: Drinking with straws can make a suction that might pull out the blood clot. Better to skip straws for the first week post-op.
  • Alcoholic Drinks: Alcohol can mess with how you heal and might not play well with your pain meds. It’s best to hold off on alcohol until you’re all better.

Drinks to Take After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Picking the right drinks is also important after you’ve had your wisdom teeth taken out. You’ll want something that’s easy to sip and won’t bug your surgery spot.

Here’s a list of go-to drinks to keep you watered and well-fed —

  • Veggie broth
  • Blended lentil soup
  • Seed-free pureed soups
  • Chicken stock
  • Milkshakes
  • Smoothie blends
  • Frozen dessert like sherbet
  • Home-squeezed juices
  • Thin custard
  • Soft puddings
  • Nutrient-rich protein shakes

These choices are gentle on your mouth and can help you stay comfy while you recover.

Eating Guide After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Figuring out what to eat post-wisdom teeth removal can be tricky. Here’s a simple day-by-day eating plan to ease your recovery.

Day One

For the first couple of hours after your surgery, don’t eat. For the rest of your day, go for lukewarm liquids like broths, yogurt, ice cream, and soups to avoid irritation. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated.

Day Two

If you feel less sensitive, introduce soft foods like eggs and cottage cheese. It’s okay if your jaw still feels tight and sore. Take it slow—stick to easy-to-swallow foods if necessary.

Day Three

You’ll likely notice less swelling today, which means you can try semi-soft foods such as pasta, mashed potatoes, and tender veggies. Remember not to chew on the side where your tooth was removed to keep food particles out of the wound.

Keep drinking water and treat yourself to a smoothie or milkshake—just skip the straw.

Day Four

Your discomfort should be lessening by now. Still, be mindful about what you eat. Jumping back into chewy foods might increase swelling and pain. Opt for softer options and maybe add some tender, well-cooked meats like chicken or beef. Keep away from tough foods to aid your healing.

Day Five

You’re moving into solid foods territory today. But listen to your body—if chewing hurts or your jaw isn’t ready, it’s okay to stick with softer choices. If solids are still uncomfortable, hold off until they’re not.

Moving Forward

Keep an eye on any pain while eating and choose foods that don’t cause discomfort. Avoid biting hard near where your tooth was taken out. Slowly but surely, you’ll get back to normal.

In about two weeks, you should be back to your usual healthy eating habits.

What Habits to Avoid After Wisdom Tooth Surgery?

After your wisdom tooth surgery, dodging certain habits is vital for a swift recovery. Here’s what you should avoid to heal without a hitch.

soft diet for wisdom teeth removal

Say No to Smoking

Hold off on smoking for at least three days after your surgery. Smoking cuts down oxygen in your blood, slowing healing and upping the risk of nasty complications.

Don’t Rinse or Spit

For the first day post-surgery, don’t rinse or spit. These can mess with the surgical area. Just lean over and let saliva or blood drip out to keep things clean without any trouble.

Skip the Straws

Put straws aside for a week after your surgery. Sucking on straws might knock out the blood clot in your tooth hole, causing extra bleeding and intense pain from “dry socket.

Recovery After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Recovery time from wisdom teeth surgery varies, but you’ll typically be back to normal eating in one to two weeks. Some might need a little longer. Your dentist will give you a list of do’s and don’ts, along with medications and maybe a mouthwash.

Make sure to follow these instructions closely.

  • Rest Well: Give yourself a day or two off to rest and recover.
  • Medication: Take any painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs as prescribed to handle pain and swelling.
  • Ice Therapy: Use an ice pack on your cheek near where your tooth was removed to lessen pain and swelling.
  • Avoid Straws: Stay away from straws to keep the blood clot in place.
  • Eat Right: Keep to soft foods that won’t irritate your mouth.

Final Words

After your wisdom teeth is taken out, you must eat the right foods to help you heal. We suggest warm broths, pureed soups, soft mashed potatoes, creamy Greek yogurt, and nourishing smoothies. These will keep you fed and won’t bother your healing mouth.

Along with that, stay away from anything hard, crunchy, or too hot. Also, avoid using straws and smoking. As you start feeling better, you can slowly bring back semi-soft and then solid foods, depending on how comfortable you feel.

Ultimately, following these tips will help you recover smoothly and get back to your usual eating routine in a few weeks. Remember, choosing soft food to eat after wisdom teeth removal can make your recovery much easier.


How long after wisdom teeth removal can I eat normal food?

You can eat normal food after approximately 4 to 5 hours post-extraction, starting with soft foods like soup, oatmeal, smoothies, and milk. Avoid tough foods and chewing near the extraction site to prevent complications. Stick to pureed and chopped foods for several days to aid healing.

Can I eat rice after wisdom teeth removal?

No, you shouldn’t eat rice after wisdom teeth removal. Rice grains can get stuck in the wound, causing complications and potentially leading to an infection. It’s best to avoid foods that can become lodged in the extraction site until you are fully healed.

Can I brush my teeth after wisdom teeth removal?

You should not brush your teeth near the extraction site for 24 hours after surgery. This helps blood clots to form, protecting the socket and aiding the healing process. Follow your dentist’s advice for keeping your mouth clean during recovery.

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